5 Quotes & Sayings By Marita A Hansen

Marita A. Hansen is the author of more than two dozen published novels. She is also the author of many short stories, articles, and nonfiction books. All of her books are available in electronic editions Read more

Marita A. Hansen is an award-winning author of over thirty books of fiction and nonfiction, including The Innkeeper's Daughter (winner of the 2002 Romantic Times Book Review’s "Book of the Year Award"), A Mission for Moving Mountains (winner of the 2010 Blanche d'Albe Award), Blame It on Silent Creek (winner of the 2013 Agatha Award for Best Historical Fiction), and various works in the series featuring former-Baker County Sheriff Ben Hagen.

You held me down and rammed me so hard I deep-throated you from the other end. Marita A. Hansen
You think everyone pervs you."... "That's cos they do, and you're just jealous, cos I'm gorgeous and you're not." ~ conversation between Dante &Ash Marita A. Hansen
If he's after sledge I'd say he's a bottom, and a very sore one if he succeeds , cos your bro looks like he's got a third leg down there, it's so fucking huge. Got an eyeful once when I walked in on him while he was showering"... Marita A. Hansen
Jenna walked in between desks and plonked herself down behind hers, noticing AGAIN that the teacher hadn’t graced the class with his zitty presence. She thought Mr. Kennan needed to get fired, which said a lot, because she rarely paid attention to ugly teachers. She’d discussed this with the principal two weeks back when she’d been sent to his office after getting caught sleeping. She’d told him that if he employed more hot teachers like Mr. Daniels then maybe she wouldn’t pass out from boredom. The principal gave her a week’s detention because of that comment, saying that she needed to take things more seriously. But she WAS being serious. Jenna Hamilton from Graffiti Heaven (Chapter 28). Marita A. Hansen